Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the widowed yogi product review... fitbits

for oh about the past month i have been obsessed with buying a fitbit. a bright pink one. it would track all my wonderful adventures and tell me how many calories i burned, how well i slept, and most importantly; how many miles i ran. upon deciding to run the rock and roll half marathon here in SD, i decided that was it. i NEEDED a fit bit so i could track my runs obsessively and seamlessly. i finally bit the bullet and clicked "purchase" with glee.

i eagerly awaited this pink person tracker and it arrived a few days later. i had a busy day that Saturday so i had to wait until Sunday when i could sync it up and track my every last move. that particular Sunday (unlike most) I took a lot of steps because i shopped at the outlets. that day i quickly out walked my goal (preset to 10,000)but had difficulty recording my bike ride. the next day i headed to the cliffs and tried to track my first run. i again overstepped my goal but couldn't record my exact run. the run was just tallied into the total steps for the day and i couldn't see where i ran. i soon began to realize that this little pink accessory was really only good for counting my steps for the day, it was poor at adding in my yoga practicing and teaching, and couldn't track an individual run. i gave it another half day before realizing this bit was not what i NEEDED at all.

now this was partly my fault because what i failed to realize was that i needed a GPS to track my runs. yes this sounds like a dumb statement because thats of course what i needed but i thought this fitbit would at least allow me to see how many miles! i know a lot of people that love fitbits so i am not knocking the fitbit. everyone has to find what works for them and if this little tracker gets you movin, then move. however for me as someone who is training for a half marathon and wanting to log my miles, this was not the tracker for me.

hope this helps your on your journey to wherever!

the widowed yogi